Volunteering Blog: Sailing Day Support
One of the things I love most about our fabulous Midland Mencap volunteers is how ready and willing they are to ‘go above and beyond’ their regular volunteer role and help out at one-off special occasions and events as well.
This generosity of spirit was in evidence at our Sailing Day this summer when several of our enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers came along to Aldridge Sailing Club to help support adults with learning disabilities to have a fun day out on the water.
One of these volunteers was Claire Bayley: our brilliant Volunteer DJ who spins the decks every Thursday at the Midland Mencap disco night in Walsall. We already knew that Claire had awesome musical and DJ-ing skills but now, after the Sailing Day, we know that her skills in supporting people are pretty amazing too.
A lady called Jean had come along to take part in the Sailing Day. When she arrived, she was feeling very nervous and was reticent to get on a boat. Claire sat with Jean and chatted to her about how she was feeling, giving her as much reassurance as she could. Thanks to Claire’s support and encouragement, Jean finally felt able to face her fear and give sailing a go. Needless to say, she ended up having a great time out on the water – with Claire supporting her the whole time.
Thank you Claire! And thank you to all our volunteers who come to help out at events like these. You make such a massive difference, and we really couldn’t put on such fabulous events without you.
If you have been inspired by this month’s volunteering blog, you can find all of our current voluntary opportunities on the Do It website here.
-Hayley Stokes, Volunteer Coordinator-