Fun, Friends and Barcelona

Midland Mencap took the England Flyerz Hockey team to take part in the FC Barcelona Para Hockey Festival last week. I was one on the lucky players where we competed against Holland, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Ireland. From the moment we landed no one could have predicted how hot it was going to be!
Compared to Amsterdam where we had one team this time we were able to have 2 teams in Intermediate and Beginners levels. As a player to experience playing in both teams has helped me to grow as a player, Ross as a captain was always there to help guide me and my team mates, which I really appreciated. As well Steve and Laura gave me the confidence I needed in the Beginners to push myself to the next level and help guide my teammates to victory.
Off the pitch compared to Amsterdam last year we were brought closer together as a team with walking round the FC Barcelona Stadium and cooling down having fun in the pool.
We also welcomed Tunbridge Wells Flyerz hockey players and coaches to our team and they made it possible for us to win Bronze at intermediate level and Silver at the beginners level but really it wasn’t about what we achieved it was about having fun and playing hockey together!
It was a remarkable experience and one that I’ll never forget and I can’t wait to get back to training. Your Number Nine player Tom Kirby.
Check out all the photos from the FC Barcelona Para Hockey Festival here
-Tom Kirby, Flyerz Hockey Player-