Happy International Volunteer Day!

5 December 2017
1 min read.

Today is International Volunteer Day, at Midland Mencap we place great value on the contribution of our 113 volunteers who make a massive difference to vulnerable citizens. Last month alone they contributed nearly 650 hours of their time to support the delivery of a wide range of services across Birmingham and Walsall. Here are some impressive facts about how diverse and inclusive volunteering is at Midland Mencap:

• 20% of our volunteers are from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic communities

• 26% of our volunteers have some form of disability or impairment

• In terms of gender, 36% of our volunteers are male and 64% are female

• The majority of our volunteers (56%) are under the age of 30 (the age ranges are as follows: 16-19 = 11%; 20-29 = 45%; 30-39 = 11%; 40-49 = 14%; 50+ = 19%)

• Only 12% of our volunteers appear to fit the definition of the ‘civic core’ (white, middle-aged, highly resourced and educated)

• In terms of higher education levels, 33% of our volunteers are currently students

• With regards to socio-economic levels, 14% of our volunteers live in neighbourhoods that fall within the most deprived 10% of areas in England, 31% live in neighbourhoods that fall within the most deprived 20% of areas in England, and over half (54%) live in neighbourhoods that fall within the most deprived 40% of areas in England

If you would like to volunteer at Midland Mencap you can find all of our amazing opportunities here