Midland Mencap is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is led by an annually elected Chair-person. The Trustee Board meet formerly five times per year and are responsible for approving the organisations strategy and business plan, annual budget and for publishing annual accounts on the financial position of the organisation.
Midland Mencap has appointed a senior management team who, through the Chief Executive Officer, report regularly to the Board on matters affecting the performance of the organisation. The senior management team are responsible for the day to day running of the organisation.
Midland Mencap delivers a range of support services and activities to adults, children and young people and to family carers, including information, advice and sign-posting that are part of three core offers to citizens and their families. The three core offers are the provision of safe, secure and quality housing; The right support to lead a lifestyle of choice; And access to meaningful things to do.
Our Core Values
Inspire Change
- Being person-centred
- Hearing what people say
- Empowering & enabling individuals & families
- Promoting rights, choices & inclusion
- Supporting people to transform their lives
- Being innovative, creative & collaborative in developing new ideas
- Recruiting, developing & retaining a highly skilled & flexible workforce

Our Mission
“To campaign for and deliver accessible and inclusive community health and wellbeing support services for individuals, families, and carers.”

Our Aspirations
- That Midland Mencap is known regionally as a leading provider of services to individuals, families, and carers.
- That we are strong financially whilst able to embrace a flexible, innovative, creative, and relevant response to local and regional need.
- We will maximise the use of marketing and social media to achieve recognition that promotes the work of Midland Mencap.
- We will modernise and streamline the way we work .
- We will raise more income through our fundraising and the development of corporate relationships.
- New opportunities, however unconventional, will focus on our core areas of expertise.
- We will ensure individuals, families and carers and key stakeholders receive the highest quality of information, advice, and guidance to support them about making informed choices to achieve the outcomes they want.
- Evaluating our work, we’re committed to measuring and understanding our impact, making the most of our resources and achieving outcomes that matter to people.
- We will become an employer of choice.
- The Senior Leadership Team will work with all staff to promote a workplace culture of development, achievement, and well-being where a flexible workforce feels motivated, valued, respected and integral to the success of Midland Mencap, citizens and families.
- Increase our bank of lived experience and professional volunteers
- Utilising organisational knowledge and intellectual property to build community awareness and understanding of circumstances faced by individuals, families, and carers.