Here are all the opening times over Christmas and the new year for Alcester Road (Head Office), The Enterprise Hub and The Walsall Disability Hub.
Alcester Road (Head Office):
Open Wednesday and Thursday 8am – 5pm
Open Friday 8am – 4pm
The Enterprise Hub:
Open Wednesday 27th December 10am-4pm
Closed Thursday 28th December ( Children and Young Persons using building)
Open Friday 29th December 10-3pm
Open Tuesday 2nd January 9.45am-4pm
Closed Wednesday 3rd January ,but there is a community activity – Black Horse Pub 11am-2pm
Open Thursday 4th January 10am-6pm
Closed 5th January, but Community activity – 10.30am-2.30pm Sports Day, Woodcock Street
The Walsall Disability Hub:
Open Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am – 5pm
Open Friday 9.30am – 2.30pm
Following BCC’s decision to close all schools and day centres we recognise this does cause issues across our staff teams. Therefore, for tomorrow (Monday) these are our arrangements:
• We will attempt to operate our offices & hubs as normal, so if you are OFFICE BASED and it safe for you to do so please endeavor to attend for work. However, if it is not safe to drive, use public transport or walk to work please advise your line manager of alternative working arrangements or requests for emergency annual leave
• Office based staff can work from any of our sites at Alcester Road, The Enterprise Hub or The Walsall Hub
• Colleagues from Housing with Care & Support will be advised this afternoon of arrangements to ensure we fully them and support vulnerable citizens
• Non-housing care & Support staff can also volunteer to support colleagues in our care & support services who may have been in situ all weekend or short staffed as a consequence of the weather. If you feel you could go on emergency stand-by please e-mail or directly
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our care & support staff who have either stayed at work, walked miles to work or have been on-call to ensure all vulnerable citizens have been kept safe over this exceptionally challenging weekend. Outstanding commitment for which we’re very grateful.
Travel safely if you are able to do so and please ensure you advise your line manager of your whereabouts and arrangements for tomorrow
Thank you
Dave Rogers
On Sunday 3rd, Midland Mencap held their Weoley Winterland in their Enterprise Hub. It was an event for every one of all ages, from those at Mencap to their families and locals alike!
The festive stalls included arts & crafts, a tombola, a raffle, a cake sale, the fantastic Sing and Sign choir and Santa’s workshop – it’s safe to say there was plenty for everyone to do, no matter their age or interests.
I volunteered on the Arts & Crafts stall, making Christmas tree decorations out of painted lollipop sticks, pipe cleaners, pompoms and string. There were some impressive trees decorations crafted and it was great to meet people of all ages – from tiny children to the elderly and I was overjoyed by their enthusiasm. The eagerness of all the volunteers and staff in making the event a success was infectious. It was truly rewarding and I recommend volunteering at these events wholeheartedly.
With over 120 people attending and £402.63 raised for the charity, it was hugely successful and the atmosphere was wonderful. It really felt like Christmas had come and I’m looking forward to more events like this as it was an impressive turnout, a lot of fun and all for important causes!
– Kat, Reporter Volunteer –
Here’s our response to Wednesdays autumn budget statement.
Chief Executive of Midland Mencap, Dave Rogers said:
“Disappointingly this budget does nothing to address the growing crisis across social care. With a near £3 billion funding gap predicted by 2020 over a million vulnerable citizens already do not have an appropriate level of care or support they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. The number of people needing care and support will only grow over the coming years and services and providers meeting that level of need are at breaking point. This will inevitably lead to higher costs for both local authorities and the NHS having to manage demand due to inadequate community based social care provision.
Government funding is urgently needed now ahead of any planned reforms, reforms which must reflect on the whole community social care system. Alarmingly there was no mention of funding to resolve the crisis regarding funding for sleep-in shifts, which will undoubtedly see providers go out of business if the government does not provide funds. In essence we believe that for citizens with a learning disability and their families this budget sends out the message that they are a community increasingly forgotten by central government.
With demand on services growing at Midland Mencap we are increasingly seeing citizens living in deep poverty, socially isolated and cruelly exposed to the wider community consequences of austerity. It is now critical that Government listen to the sectors voice and focus on fully resourcing the resolving of issues that detrimentally impact on the lives, welfare and well-being of disabled people.”
Other Charities reactions to the budget
Midland Mencap fully endorses the Learning Disability Voices statement following yesterdays Government announcement regarding Sleep-in payments.
In a care sector chronically short of resources to once again fail to address how legitimate back payments will be funded only adds to the anxiety of vulnerable people, their families and the organisations who support them.
The Governments position is both baffling and disappointing.
Response to the Governments announcement:
United Response(Learning Disability Voices reaction)
At Midland Mencap we believe having your own home is one of the most important things a person can have. Though we’re delighted the Government has now said there will be no cap on Housing Benefit for people living in Supported Housing we fully agree with this article from The Independent.
For vulnerable people to think they might lose their home and the support that comes with it was cruel and unnecessary. We now wait for the detail of the Governments decision and we hope it doesn’t come with strings attached.
If you need help or you know someone who needs advice or support with housing please contact us on 0121 442 2944.
Very interesting Guardian article that reflects on the “bias culture” facing black, Asian and minority ethnic people with learning disabilities and their families, is this your experience?
Tell us about your experience and whether you feel it requires specialist support groups to overcome.
Above Joanna Lumley, Kit Harington, Jodie Whitaker, Jo Whiley, Matt Horne and Kate Spicer in Mencap’s video appeal to protect future care of people with a learning disability.
About the Sleep in Crisis:
The learning disability sector in the UK is on the brink of a Crisis.
Because of a Government decision to change its guidance on sleep-in payments, the learning disability sector is now faced with a back-pay bill of £400m which if enforced, may bankrupt many charities and care providers.
If this were to become a reality, many of the most vulnerable people in our society would be left without care, without hope and without an independent future.
Click to sign Mencap’s petition. People’s vital care depends on your support.
Learn More about the crisis:
To keep up to date on the Sleep in Crisis follow us on Social Media.
On Thursday 28th September at 11am Midland Mencap will hold its Annual General Meeting at The Enterprise Hub, Bottetourt Road, Weoley Castle.
We would like to invite you to attend what is always a very enjoyable morning. This years meeting will include a special guest speaker followed by a buffet lunch.
To help us with catering arrangements if you are intending to come to the AGM please call us 0121 442 2944 to confirm.
We sincerely hope you are able to come and share with us news from what has been an amazing year at Midland Mencap.
Midland Mencap are very proud to be working with Inclusion International and Mencap on preparations for Inclusion International’s World Congress in Birmingham 30th May – 1st June 2018.
This will be a global event with many exciting speakers and activities happening across the three days. Watch this space for regular updates about the World Congress in Birmingham Next Year!
If you would like to learn more about the Inclusion International World Congress 2018 see Mencap’s post here.
Also check out the Official website for the Inclusion International World Congress here.