Frank Chapman Residential – Day 2

The young people woke up after a fairly late night for most and got ready for breakfast. We fuelled up on cereals, toast, fruit and yoghurt ready for a jam packed day of activities. After breakfast they were split into their teams and told what they would be doing for the day.
The activities for Wednesday and Thursday are on a round robin basis comprising of climbing, archery, bushcraft and high ropes. After getting ready and putting on our waterproofs and outdoor shoes we were ready to get going and we weren’t going to let the very light rain dampen our spirits!The morning was a success and most of the young people were really excited to go on everything but everyone had a go and conquered some fears!
After working up an appetite the young people went in for lunch and this involved them all making their own sandwiches from a variety of fillings and salad. They all did really well and some even ended their lunch with some cheese and crackers!
After lunch and a short period of free time, we were right back into our activities. This time group 1 did archery, group 2 bushcraft and group 3 did climbing. Not much rain this afternoon. Gemma, the Children’s Operation Manager, was visiting us today and was very proud of her bullseye on the archery! The young people all did really well and many got very wet when their shelters were tested out in Bushcraft.
Dinner was a choice of chicken nuggets, chips and spaghetti hoops or a jacket potato with beans and cheese. I’m sure you can guess which one was the favourite! This was followed by a delicious apple sponge and custard. We then had some free time before our evening activity where chilled outside. We said goodbye to two of our volunteers, Becky and Christian, as they finished their time we us. We are looking forward to welcoming two new volunteers tomorrow!
Our evening activity was a campfire down in the woods. We enjoyed playing around in the woods whilst Tom got the campfire up and roaring so we could make our hot chocolate over it. We then all sat around, drank hot chocolate and had some supper. We finished the camp fire by attempting to sing some campfire songs with varying success!
We finished off the night by some of us watching a film and some of us just chilling whilst getting ready for bed. A very tiring but fun day with even more to come tomorrow!