Review of the Year- Tom Kirby
Hello everyone for today’s blog I want to look back on 2018. This has been for me first of all a year I’ll never forget! I’ll always remember the first time I became part of the Midland Mencap flyers hockey team from someone who never done any social sports apart from going to swimming lessons and scouts to have a gold medal from Amsterdam in 2017 it’s really still to this day a memory I’ll always remember. And to be able to compete in Barcelona this year is something that is just simply amazing. Hockey has become something that is really special to me. I have grown so much as a player and a team mate it wouldn’t have been possible with Steve and Laura.
So Thank for this for this experience there are no words to say how much this means to me. Even when I have felt I couldn’t do anything even, James, he would get tough with me not because I had done anything wrong but they all wanted me to believe more in myself as a player. Hopefully there will be more experiences with you all to come. PS. Steve the banter we have, I wouldn’t have it any other way!
As well The Real Junk Food Project has given me so much a new taste of cooking to trying new flavours. I’m so proud to volunteer there because of the things it’s given me from running a boutique, to seeing friendly customers every Monday. I would really recommend coming and giving your support to this wonderful project and one day if we all work together help stop food waste. Without donations from the general public we wouldn’t be able to run cafes or a warehouse if you’d like to learn more click here.
Something which has benefited both my skills as a player and mentally is running. Since doing it in myself I have noticed a big difference. I have more energy when running on the pitch and I feel healthier in myself. The good thing about running is you don’t have to be big and strong it makes me feel so free when running and all my fears melt away. I am determined to do 10k this year, So the Geared rivalry continues!
In terms of mental health I am glad to say that I am not OK its nothing to be ashamed of. I want to show you, my readers that with help the road to recovery is a long road but you can do it!! What this year has proven to me like the song from the greatest showman “This is me” yes I am suffering with it. Yes I have scares. But this is me, it’s who I am and that I am not scared anymore because I have the love and support from people. They know who they are and they keep me fighting every day.
Going into next year I will be a stronger person keep working hard see what exciting things next year has in-store like potentially interviewing an actor from Casualty! Last but no means least I’d like thank you my loyal readers and fans. I hope you have enjoyed my journey this year as much as I did sharing it and continue with me into the New Year! Your monthly blogger Tom Kirby