Tom Kirby’s First Monthly blog

15 October 2018
1 min read.

Hi, my name is Tom Kirby and welcome to the first monthly blog for Midland Mencap! I live in Birmingham and have been with Midland Mencap for 3 years now and have been part of their Flyerz Hockey Team for 2 years you can read about my thoughts on our recent trip to Barcelona here.

In my upcoming blogs I hope to cover some topics that our close to me these include sport about what I love about being part of a team and how this helps me learn something new all the time. That it’s not about being the best it’s about being with your mates and doing sport you enjoy. As well as having an understanding coach who will always support and guide you (Thanks Steve!)

Another topic I hope to cover is living independently on how it can be quite a rewarding but also a nerve racking experience. As having the freedom to do what you want when you want is good but there are also the responsibilities that come with it like paying rent and bills. Plus my experience of feeling lonely at times and getting the right support I want and not being afraid to ask for it when I need it.

These are just a few topics I want to talk about and I can’t wait to share my journey with you all! Thank you for taking your time reading my first monthly blog and be sure to look out for next month’s blog where I’ll go through my experience of running my first 5k race!