As we reflect on the month of June, we at Midland Mencap are filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible events and milestones we’ve shared with our community.

From honouring our dedicated volunteers to supporting unpaid Carers and celebrating individuals with learning disabilities.

 June has been a testament to the power of inclusion, support, and community spirit. Let’s take a closer look at the remarkable journey we’ve been on this past month.

National Volunteers Week (June 3-9): Honouring Our Unsung Heroes

We began the month by shining a spotlight on our volunteers. National Volunteers Week gave us the perfect opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation for these selfless individuals who contribute their time, energy, and skills to make a difference in our community.

Our celebrations kicked off with two special events:

1. Weoley Castle Community Centre Celebration (June 5):

This vibrant gathering brought together volunteers, staff, and community members for a morning of recognition and fun. Attendees shared stories and enjoyed refreshments while reflecting on the impact of volunteerism.

2. Walsall Disability Hub Event (June 6):

Our Walsall branch hosted a similarly joyous occasion at the Walsall Disability Hub, highlighting the unique contributions of volunteers in supporting individuals with disabilities in the local area.

Throughout the week, we also leveraged the power of social media to amplify our volunteers’ voices. We shared a series of volunteer experience videos, offering a glimpse into the diverse ways our volunteers contribute and the personal growth they experience through their service. These heartwarming stories not only celebrated our current volunteers but also inspired others to get involved.

You can watch them here:

Carers Week (June 10-16): Supporting Those Who Care

Following our volunteer celebrations, we shifted our focus to another group of unsung heroes – unpaid Carers with partners Forward Carers.

Recognizing the often-overlooked challenges faced by those who provide unpaid care to family members or friends, we organised a series of events designed to offer support, respite, and recognition.

Our Carers Week activities included:

Throughout the week, we hosted health and wellbeing workshops and sessions focused on self-care, stress management, and overall wellbeing for carers. These events, led by health professionals and wellness experts, provided practical tools and strategies for carers to maintain their own health while caring for others.

One of the highlights of the week was our day trip to ThinkTank Birmingham, the city’s award-winning science museum. This outing offered carers a chance to relax, learn, and enjoy a day out, free from their usual responsibilities. The interactive exhibits and immersive experiences provided a much-needed break and sparked joy and curiosity among our attendees.

To round off the week, we hosted a special Carers lunch at our Happy Bean Café. This event not only provided a delicious meal but also offered a valuable opportunity for carers to connect with one another, share experiences, and build a support network. The warm, welcoming atmosphere of our new cafe created the perfect setting for fostering these important connections.

Learning Disability Week (June 17-23): Celebrating Achievements and Raising Awareness

The final week of June was dedicated to Learning Disability Week, a time to celebrate the achievements of individuals with learning disabilities and raise awareness about the challenges they face. This week was packed with events that showcased the talents, resilience, and potential of the individuals we support.

Our Learning Disability Week events included:

Walsall Celebrations at Walsall Disability Hub

We kicked off the week with a lively celebration at our Walsall Disability Hub. The event featured art exhibitions, performances, and interactive activities, all designed to highlight the diverse talents of individuals with learning disabilities. Local community leaders and partners joined us in recognising the contributions of people with learning disabilities to our society.

PURE Graduation Event (June 18)

One of the most inspiring moments of the week was the PURE graduation event held at the Library of Birmingham alongside Birmingham Rathbone. This ceremony celebrated the achievements of individuals who have completed our PURE BAES course program, which focuses on developing job skills, confidence, and independence.

We welcomed Birmingham’s Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress to the event on Tuesday where they presented certificates to students.

It was a great event celebrating the efforts of everyone in the PURE project that supports people with complex needs towards education, training and employment. Both staff and students had a joyful time reflection and celebrating and were able to get involved in some activities after the ceremony.

Nuffield Birmingham Central joined us to and hosted a small stretch and workout session and pakride were along for the ride with taster sessions on their fleet of accessible bikes.

Learning Disability Week Celebrations and Happy Bean Cafe Opening (June 20)

The pinnacle of our Learning Disability Week celebrations coincided with the grand opening of our Happy Bean Cafe. This dual celebration was a testament to our commitment to creating inclusive spaces for individuals with learning disabilities.

Our brand-new café is open to the public Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 2:30pm during term time and has an exciting new menu with drinks, cakes and hot food. Visit us to join a community, enjoy art and have a relaxing time in both an indoor and outdoor environment.

Throughout the day, we hosted a variety of activities to celebrate Learning Disability Week, including art workshops, music performances, and informational sessions about learning disabilities. The event drew a diverse crowd, from long-time supporters to curious community members, all coming together to celebrate diversity and inclusion.

We had a Hate Crime with Jo, from West Midlands Police,  which provided our community with more information on staying safe and how to deal with hate crime. Free resources were available for everyone.

It was a successful day, and we hope to see more of our community at our community hub.

A Month of Impact and Inspiration

As we look back on June, we are filled with gratitude for the incredible community that surrounds and supports Midland Mencap. From our dedicated volunteers and tireless unpaid Carers to the inspiring individuals with learning disabilities who challenge perceptions every day, each person plays a vital role in creating a more inclusive and supportive society.

These events have not only celebrated achievements but have also raised awareness, created new connections, and reinforced our commitment to supporting individuals with learning disabilities and their families. The success of our June activities serves as a powerful reminder of what we can accomplish when we come together with a shared vision of inclusivity and empowerment.

As we move forward, we carry with us the energy and inspiration from this remarkable month. We remain committed to creating opportunities, challenging perceptions, and building a community where everyone, regardless of ability, can thrive and reach their full potential.

Thank you to everyone who participated in, supported, or contributed to our June events. Your involvement makes a real difference, and together, we are creating a more inclusive and compassionate world, one day at a time.

Stay connected with Midland Mencap for more exciting events, initiatives, and opportunities to get involved. The journey towards full inclusion and equality continues, and we invite you to be a part of it.

For more information on Midland Mencap’s Communtiy Services:

Call: 0121 442 2944 or


Hi, I am Tom. Since January 2024, I have been volunteering at Midland Mencap’s parkride sessions, primarily at Woodgate Valley and Cannon Hill Park. These sessions offer a wonderful opportunity to engage with the community and support individuals with learning disabilities through cycling activities. Volunteering here has been a rewarding experience that combines my passion for cycling with meaningful community service.

The Role of a parkride Volunteer

At parkride, the social aspect is just as important as the physical activity. I enjoy getting to know the citizens, figuring out which bikes they prefer, and helping them get ready for their rides. Whether it is a casual cruise or a more energetic ride, I’m there to support and motivate them. This involves adjusting the bikes to suit everyone’s needs, providing encouragement, and sometimes accompanying them on their rides to ensure they feel safe and confident. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the joy and sense of achievement on their faces as they ride.

Why I Chose Midland Mencap

After being made unemployed, I found myself with a lot of free time. My previous job as a bike courier had me searching for cycling-related volunteering opportunities. I discovered Midland Mencap’s parkride volunteer listing on Google, and it felt like the perfect way to spend my time meaningfully. I was looking for something that would keep me active and allow me to use my skills in a positive way. The idea of helping people enjoy cycling, especially those who might not otherwise have the opportunity, was very appealing to me.

Personal Rewards from Volunteering

Volunteering at parkride is incredibly fun and fulfilling. Meeting regular participants and watching their progress is immensely satisfying. For me, it’s also about building confidence, knowing that I can make a positive impact. Being outdoors, on my bike, aligns perfectly with my lifestyle since I don’t own a car and rely on cycling for transportation. Every session feels like an adventure, and I love the sense of community that has developed among the volunteers and participants. It’s a great way to stay fit and healthy while contributing to a good cause.

Memorable Moments

One of my favourite experiences was with Mathew, a participant at Woodgate. Over time, I’ve seen him become more verbal and confident. Soon, we’ll be able to go on longer rides together, like the Bournville Walkway, after my training. This journey with Mathew has been incredibly inspiring, showing me the importance of patience and consistent support. Another memorable moment was at Cannon Hill, where I helped a strong cyclist transition from a smaller tricycle to a regular bike. Seeing him reach his potential was incredibly rewarding. We went for a longer, faster ride, and the excitement and pride he felt were palpable. These moments remind me why I volunteer and the impact we can have on each other’s lives.

Making a Difference in the Community

My presence at busy sessions helps ensure that everyone gets a chance to ride without waiting too long. It’s not just about the bike rides but facilitating an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for the participants. By being there to assist, I can help streamline the process of getting participants on bikes, reducing wait times, and increasing the overall enjoyment of the session. This means that more people can participate and benefit from the activities. It’s gratifying to know that my efforts contribute to making the sessions run smoothly and effectively.

Learning and Growth

Since I started volunteering, I’ve gained significant confidence in being responsible for others. Engaging with people with learning disabilities has been a valuable skill I’ve developed, and it’s taught me a lot about communication and patience. These experiences are not only personally rewarding but also applicable to potential future career paths in education and caregiving. I’ve learned about safeguarding practices and how to handle various situations that might arise during the sessions. This has given me a greater sense of responsibility and the confidence to take on leadership roles within the volunteer team.

Advice for Aspiring Volunteers

To anyone considering volunteering at Midland Mencap, I say just do it! It’s a lot of fun, and as you keep coming back, you’ll see the tangible impact you’re making. The relationships you build with the citizens make it all worthwhile. You’ll find yourself returning not just for the activity but to catch up with friends and witness their growth and confidence. Volunteering here has been an incredible journey, and I look forward to continuing to make a difference, one bike ride at a time. The sense of community and the positive atmosphere make it a truly enriching experience that I highly recommend to anyone looking to volunteer.

Want to learn more about volunteering at Midland Mencap? Click here

I have been volunteering with Midland Mencap for a couple of months now and it has exceeded my expectations.

I initially joined as a placement student from university and while capturing content from one of the football sessions I really enjoyed the environment I was in and the engagements I was having. I went back to the office and talked to the Volunteering Manager about joining in with the football. A very easy process of providing a few key details, having a simple chat about the role and since my DBS was already done, I was ready to go.

I attend when I can, and I let the team know I will be coming in and from there I have as much fun as anyone else there whilst making a difference in someone else’s life. Over the weeks I have seen improvements in how social everyone has become with me and with other new people while working on their football skills. I feel like I am part of the team and feel welcomed by both the staff and the players which is mostly from how much fun we have together.

I will help set up and support the staff with activities which puts my knowledge of football, communication, and support into action while also keeping physically fit. I have developed my ability to communicate with different people as the group is so varied and unique and I feel a lot more confident with newcomers too. This has put inclusiveness at the heart of football for everyone and it has made me happy to see those with learning disabilities receive equal opportunities at a game many of us love and enjoy.

I have had personal experience with learning disability through friends and family, so I understood the difficulties and barriers they have in certain areas of life. Here at Midland Mencap, you will see results from your efforts and that is fulfilling to see. You are supported by staff, praised by parents and carers, and treated as a friend by your new teammates.

My favourite part has been the tournaments the team go to every month. Before the games have even started, the team is excited to see one another and warm up for games. I support them in a few warmup drills alongside the coaches and it is great to see the confidence in the team going into games. The matches themselves will keep you on your toes as you are always eager to see your team do well. There is plenty of cheering, exciting drama and nonstop crazy celebrations. You will feel proud and fulfilled from the whole journey with the team which is a fraction of the reasons you will want to keep coming back.

If you have a passion for sports and for football especially, this is a perfect opportunity to make a difference and find a community of people that are as passionate as you are. I joined for the love of football, and I stayed to continue seeing others enjoy the sport as much as I do especially if they never had the opportunities me and you did.

Want to learn more about volunteering at Midland Mencap? Click here

By Zaryab Khan

Date: Sunday 25th February 2024

Venue: AVFC Dome, Tame Road, Witton, Birmingham

Weather: Dry, sunny but cold!! (It did warm up a little!)


Dale Shore (GK in part), Liam Black, Scott Cox (GK in part), Katharine Hyslop, Ben Twells, James Lowe, Oliver Clayton

Unavailable: Jordan Chandler (some excuse about being in New Zealand!!) & Sam Robinson who had a chest infection.

Courtney Telfer & new boy, Daniel, were also present, but are not registered to play yet.

The MM fans had assembled in good numbers again and got ready for very vocal support from the stands. It was commented on very positively by Ref Roy who popped into our stand, mid game to say hi!

Nobody at all missed Ian Chandler !!!!!! Rather strangely the AVFC side did not take part and so the matches were all doubled up – playing each other twice

1st Match:

Versus BCFC 3-0 MMFC

Team: Scott Cox (GK), Kath Hyslop, Dale Shore, Ben Twells, James Lowe & Oliver Clayton

Early pressure from BCFC saw them going close but strong defending from MM kept them at bay. James Lowe cleared very well before two outstanding saves from GK Scott Cox.

Unfortunately, a breakaway from BCFC saw Scott exposed in a 2 versus 1 situation and they took the lead. Dale Shore was next on hand to clear away danger.

The pressure from BCFC paid off when they scored another goal. At the other end Dale went close after being supported well by both Kath Hyslop and Ben Twells.

Oliver Clayton was working well in midfield too.

Liam Black came on as a sub and his energy very nearly paid off as he went close to scoring. Despite another great attack from MM and a top stop from Scott Cox, BCFC ran out 3-0 winners.

2nd Match:

Midland Mencap FC Versus Sutton ‘Blues’. MMFC 0-1 Sutton Blues

Team: Scott Cox (GK), Dale Shore, Oliver Clayton, Kath Hyslop, Ben Twells, Liam Black & James Lowe.

This game started very positively for MM with their GK being called into action twice early on. Dale and Scott also had to be on their toes to clear danger away.

However, Sutton took advantage of some lax defending to score what turned out to be the only goal of the game.

MM continued to attack, but also had some good fortune at the back with a couple of shots that went very close to increasing the lead.

Liam and James tried hard to get MM back into the game but they couldn’t make any impact on the Sutton defence

3rd Match:

Midland Mencap FC Versus BCFC (game 2). MMFC 1-2 BCFC


Dale Shore (GK), Oliver Clayton, Ben Twells, Kath Hyslop, Scott Cox, James Lowe & Liam Black

Against a very strong BCFC side MM started brightly forcing two great saves from the BCFC goalie. The game looked quite even but suddenly BCFC broke upfield to open the scoring.

MM equalised soon after with a great strike from James Lowe after good work from Oliver Clayton and Ben Twells.

Liam Black also put in some strong challenges in midfield

Despite some super defending from both Kath Hyslop & Scott Cox, BCFC sneaked a

late winner.

There was still time for Scott Cox to go close, but MM just ran out of steam.

4th Match:

MMFC Versus Sutton Blues (2nd game). MMFC 0-4 Sutton


Dale Shore (GK), Ben Twells, Kath Hyslop, Scott Cox, Oliver Clayton, Liam Black & James Lowe

The second match against Sutton proved to be very tough. They had put out a slightly stronger side as MM battled hard to keep in the game.

James and Scott were both forced into make great blocks and clearances, before MM lost possession and Sutton broke away to score. Kath Hyslop went very close with a great shot and Oliver Clayton and Ben Twells battled away in midfield.

MM went close on 3 more occasions with top efforts from James, Kath and Liam Black

Sutton continued to press though and they opened up a 3 goal lead with some very strong strikes on goal.

Dale was putting on a great show in goal and James went close at the other end.

MM were awarded a penalty just before full time and despite Ben Twells hitting his penalty very well, their GK just managed to turn the ball away – it was just not Midland Mencap’s day!!!

The supporters were also very proud of the squad and wanted to thank coaches Suzanna & Charis for their contribution to another great Sunday Ability Counts League session.

Suzanne and Charis were both delighted with the effort from everyone.

The weather had warmed up a little by the end and the fans went home happy that their team had worked really hard against some top teams – well done everyone!

Author: John Hyslop

Support our fundraiser for the MMFC new kit and equipment on JustGiving page at

Midland Mencap FC, Birmingham Ability Counts League, Match Report Sunday 17th December 2023


James Lowe – Today’s captain, Ben Twells, Katharine Hyslop, Jordan Chandler, Dale Shore and Scott Cox.

Unfortunately for our last set of games we were without 3 regular players with Oliver Clayton, Liam Black & Sam Robinson unavailable. Everyone wished them all a great Christmas and hoped to see them all again in 2024!

The weather was certainly chilly, and it welcomed the Mencap media team (Zaryab & Lewis) to witness their first session. They were also able to photo all the players in their brilliant new kit and complete numerous interviews with players and parents.

The players all looked buoyed by their physical appearance in their new kit – which was fantastic!

Versus Sutton Blues

Game 1

Score: MMFC 0-2 Sutton Blues

Team: Scott Cox (GK), James Lowe, Kath Hyslop, Jordan Chandler, Ben Twells

This game got off at a cracking pace with both sides going close! Scott Cox was forced to make two splendid saves and MM showed some great passing moves. Captain for the day, James Lowe had two tremendous shots just go wide as MM pressed forward. A slight defensive mix up allowed the opponents to score their first goal. Just before the final whistle Sutton sneaked another goal, but MM had contributed to an excellent game.

Game 2

Score MMFC 0-1 Sutton Blues

Team: Dale Shore (GK), Ben Twells, James Lowe, Kath Hyslop, Scott Cox & Jordan Chandler

This game was very exciting, with chances at both ends. Jordan Chandler had a great shot that went close as did James Lowe. This was followed be a super challenge from Ben Twells chasing back. Then Scott Cox came to rescue the team with a fabulous clearance. Despite all the great defending, MM conceded a goal against the run of play. There was still time for an equaliser and both Scott and James going close – with James’ shot hitting the post.

Versus Aston Villa

Game 1:

Score: MMFC 0-0 AVFC

Team: Scott Cox (GK), James Lowe, Kath Hyslop, Jordan Chandler & Ben Twells

What a game! Against very strong opposition MM really all worked hard, together to keep out the opponents. There was some really great tackling and interceptions to deny Villa. After some great passing MM hit the post, through James Lowe.

Kath, Jordan & Ben all worked really well in both attack and defence. Then, Scott Cox was called into action again, making two really super saves.

The game ended goalless, but it was a fine performance from MM.

Game 2:

Score MMFC 1-1 AVFC

Team: Scott Cox (GK), Jordan Chandler, Dale Shore, Ben Twells & Kath Hyslop

MM continued to try to play good football with lots of passing to each other. Their first great move resulted in a corner. This was followed by a great shot from Dale Shore that just went wide! Then another shot from Dale hit the post before MM took the lead through a tremendous Ben Twells strike.

The game continued end to end with Kath Hyslop passing to Jordan Chandler who hit another great shot wide. At the other end GK Scott Cox made two fab saves to keep MM ahead.

With the seconds running down AVFC manged to scramble an equaliser to finish off a great game.

Versus Birmingham City

Game 1:

Score: MMFC 1-0 BCFC

Team: Dale Shore (GK), Kath Hyslop, Scott Cox, Ben Twells & Jordan Chandler

The coaches changed the MM set up around a little for this game with Dale going in goal with Scott slotting in at the back and Kath going up front. The team showed great spirit in their defending and came close to scoring on a couple of occasions. Dale was forced into making two great saves, whilst just before James came on as a sub, Kath had set up some chances and one of those opportunities was rewarded when Jordan Chandler struck a great long-range effort that proved to be the deserved winning goal!

Game 2:

Score MMFC 0-3 BCFC

Team: Dale Shore (GK), Kath Hyslop, Scott Cox, Ben Twells and Jordan Chandler

In our final game of the day BCFC just proved a little too strong for a spirited MM team. Despite some great goalkeeping from Dale and some great blocks, clearances and challenges from Jordan, Kath, Scott and Ben MM slipped to defeat, but came out of all their games with enormous pride.

Well played everyone!

In the post-match interview a truly delighted team manager, Suzanne Cashmore, was glowing in her praise for all the team members: “Charis and I have been absolutely delighted with how the team played today, both individually and as a team”. Suzanne added “their performance today showed how far they have all progressed; two draws and a great win was the ideal way to sign off for Christmas”

The fan zone also echoed those comments, with Ian ‘Tesco’ Chandler, Adrian ‘funny boy’ Twells & Mick ‘the cap’ Cox all vocal in their support of the team. The ladies were of course in total support but showed much more decorum.

Referee Roy was as even handed as usual despite large wads on fivers being waved in his face from the rowdy support crowd!

The players and coaching staff want to wish everyone a happy Christmas and healthy New Year and we look to welcoming everyone back in 2024, not only to the Sunday Ability Counts League, but also the Tuesday early evening sessions at Moseley School.

Happy Christmas to you all.

Author: John Hyslop

Support our fundraiser for the MMFC new kit and equipment on JustGiving page at

Walsall Carers Hub recently organized a remarkable Carers Week event, the Mini Carers Festival, to raise awareness among local Walsall carers about the various support services available to them and their loved ones in the area. The festival aimed not only to provide valuable information but also to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible dedication and support that carers provide on a daily basis. Attendees were treated to an array of free activities and refreshments, ensuring a day of relaxation, rejuvenation, and entertainment.

The festival kicked off with a group meditation session, offering carers a chance to find inner peace and tranquility amidst their busy lives. It provided a valuable opportunity for carers to recharge their energy and promote their overall well-being. Following the meditation, participants were invited to join a refreshing wellbeing walk, allowing them to connect with nature and engage in light physical activity in the lovely setting of the Walsall Arboretum.

One of the highlights of the event was the availability of free massages. Carers were pampered and given the chance to unwind while skilled therapists worked their magic, easing tension and providing much-needed relief. The massages were tailored to address the specific needs and concerns of carers, recognizing the physical and emotional toll their role can take. Big thank you to Heather Morris from Breeze Holistics, Sunny and Daniel from The Massage Company , Deborah Westley from Rejuvenate Skin & Body Clinic.

To ensure everyone stayed refreshed and hydrated, free refreshments were provided at the Visitor centre. Carers had access to a selection of hot and cold drinks, allowing them to recharge and mingle with fellow attendees. This also provided a space for carers to share experiences, connect with others who face similar challenges, and build supportive networks.

To promote balance and harmony, Amrit Singh led a group Tai Chi session was offered, providing carers with an introduction to this ancient martial art form. Tai Chi is renowned for its numerous health benefits, including improved flexibility, stress reduction, and enhanced mental clarity. Participants were able to learn and practice the graceful movements in a supportive and inclusive environment of the Arboretum.

During the Mini Carers Festival, the afternoon came alive with amazing live music from Kiel Wilkinson. Carers had the chance to enjoy the enchanting melodies, boosting their mood and fostering a strong sense of togetherness.

To wrap up the day at the Mini Carers Festival, as Kiel’s melodies continued to resonate through the park, Kirsty from Hummingbird yoga offered a peaceful session for the carers. Kirsty guided the attendees through gentle yoga movements, helping them find inner calm and rejuvenation. It was a serene conclusion that added to the festival’s enchanting atmosphere, leaving the carers feeling refreshed and centered.

The Mini Carers Festival organized by Walsall Carers Hub proved to be an incredible success. It not only informed carers about the support available to them in the local area but also celebrated their selfless contributions. By offering a range of activities, from meditation and massages to Tai Chi and live music, the festival demonstrated a genuine commitment to the well-being and appreciation of carers. It was a day of relaxation, rejuvenation, and recognition—a heartfelt thank you to the unsung heroes of our community.

We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Jenny Wells and Karvin Jhali from the NHS Mental Health Community Team, Paul and Emily from the NHS Self Care Management Team, Beverly Akimbowale from Adult Social Care, Jennifer Steane from the Walk in the Park Walsall Healthy Spaces Team, Midland Mencap, The Walsall Disability Hub, and Forward Carers. We are immensely grateful for their invaluable contributions to the Walsall Carers Hub Mini Carers Festival, which made it a truly remarkable event. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to Morrisons Walsall for their generous cake donation and to Arboretum Café for their outstanding service and drinks, ensuring the well-being and enjoyment of all carers. Your support, dedication, and kindness created a memorable and successful festival, leaving carers feeling appreciated and cared for.

Last week, Midland Mencap’s PURE service hosted a celebration event at Weoley Castle Community Centre. It was a showcase of the work the project has been doing and a chance to delve deeper into the aspects new clients can get involved with.

To start the day off, Midland Mencap, Birmingham Rathbone and PURE welcomed programme graduates, families and partners from Birmingham City Council, BAES, Medequip, Nuffield Health and Fircroft College.

After Raj Singh, PURE Intervention Worker, gave a short introduction about the event and what to expect over the course of the day, the stage was for a live recording of the Midland Mencap podcast. Ashleigh Jones hosted a panel of speakers; Raj Singh (Midland Mencap – PURE), Antonio Rowe (Rathbone – PURE Intervention Worker), Tabriz Hussain (Birmingham City Council, PURE Project Manager), David Fellows (PURE Participant) and Claire (PURE Participant). The panel discussed PURE and how the project has impacted those furthest away from the job market. The live recording also included a question and answer session, with attendees taking an active part in the conversation. It was an insightful session, with a number of fantastic questions asked and topics covered.

Following this, there were short presentations from Chris Bates (Birmingham Rathbone – Chief Executive) and Daniel Rogers (Midland Mencap – Operations Manager), outlining the achievements of the programme, what has been learned and what the future may hold for PURE. There were also features from Tabriz Hussain and Rekha Davi (Department for Work & Pensions, Perry Barr), who provided insight from both a commissioning and partner perspective.

The main event – the participation graduation – was next. Midland Mencap and Rathbone held a presentation ceremony for participants who had completed courses with the PURE Project. Courses were run in partnership with Fircroft College and BAES and aimed to improve learners skills to access volunteering and work opportunities. Graduates looked smart in their cap and gown, each proudly collecting their certificates to warm applause from a sell-out crowd. It was a heartwarming sight and we are incredibly proud of everyone who graduated last week!

BBC Sounds recorded a soundbite of one of PURE’s client’s stories about her journey into the working world through the project. You can hear it here:

After the talks, the Midland Mencap Community Cafe provided a delicious buffet for everyone at the event. Attendees helped themselves to complimentary food and drinks and shared stories and experiences over lunch.

Afterwards, everyone was raring to go for the afternoon workshops. The workships provided participants and their families examples of the opportunities available through PURE that are meaningful and useful.
Midland Mencap’s Parkride hosted a Parkspin session, for people to try the accessible spin classes. This pop up feature was hosted in Midland Mencap’s recently refurbished garden space with all-weather, accessible surfaces.
Attendees could also get involved in a bespoke line dancing session in the Community Cafe and a HIIT class was hosted in the main hall by Nuffield Health, with everyone getting involved.

James and Daniel from Nuffield Health ran an engaging high-intensity interval training session and gave out prizes for the best trainer. They also handed out free day and week passes for people to use the gym free of charge. Daniel, from Nuffield Health, understands the barriers first-hand the barriers in place, having recently been diagnosed with autism. Now working as a personal trainer, he is grateful for the support. But it was “finding out about charities like Mencap and PURE” that really opened [his] eyes “to what help is out there”. To read more about Daniel’s story, click here:

BAES, Birmingham Adult Education Service, delivered an introductory workshop about the 5 Week Employability Course offered at Brasshouse, Library of Birmingham. Whereas Jo from Medequip’s ran mock interview sessions to give participants a taster experience of what to expect in a job interview scenario.

We would like to thank everyone who came to support those graduating, as well as key PURE partners. It was a fantastic day from beginning to end, showcasing the opportunities and outcomes that the PURE project delivers!

Click here to see all of the images from the day

Watch back to what we got up to on the day!

In this episode of the Citizen Chat Podcast host, Ashleigh is joined by Charlotte Gotch, Manager of the Learning Disability Community Wellbeing Service and Pete Watson a Citizen of the Service. Listen to their experience and how it has made an impact in the local Birmingham community for people with a learning disability.

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Host Ashleigh and guest Kevin, Midland Mencap’s Volunteer Manager, share inspiring stories and practical tips for creating inclusive volunteering opportunities for individuals with a learning disability.

By promoting inclusion and challenging stereotypes, volunteering for individuals and people with a learning disability can help create a more inclusive society.

Listen now to learn how you can support volunteers with a learning disability or create inclusive volunteering opportunities.

Listen here:—Citizen-Chat-Podcast-Ep–9-e1vj3tq


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Are you ready for an insightful and engaging episode of the Citizen Chat podcast? Join host Ashleigh as she sits down with Thomas Pocklington Trust’s Senior Engagement Manager Louise and Sight Loss Council volunteer Meena to discuss the vital role of Sight Loss Councils and the everyday experiences of living with a visual impairment. Don’t miss out on this enlightening conversation that will leave you with a greater understanding and appreciation for those with visual impairments.
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Midland Mencap is a charity which works and campaigns for accessible and inclusive services and a better quality of life for everyone with experience of learning disabilities and additional needs. Midland Mencap is one of the West Midlands’ leading learning disability charities with a strong, respected and established reputation for excellence and innovation.

Sight Loss Councils, funded by Thomas Pocklington Trust, are led by blind and partially sighted members. We tackle local issues and work with businesses and service providers to improve the accessibility of their services.

To Learn more about Sight Loss Councils and Thomas Pocklington Trust visit